20mph Faversham

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News on 20mph Faversham

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New Year update

We’re now more than halfway through the experimental period for the 20mph scheme. If you want to ensure that it becomes a permanent feature in Faversham, please complete the consultation at https://kccconsultations.inconsult.uk/consult.ti/Faversham_Speed_Limit/consultationHome .

Many of you commented on the Bysing Wood Road planters and you will see that they have been moved to a more suitable place. We are now considering moving the 20mph gateway nearer to Western Link junction to include the West Faversham Community Centre. Please let us have your thoughts on this suggestion at https://20mphfaversham.commonplace.is/comment or by emailing commonplace@favershamtowncouncil.gov.uk

We’re now looking at other changes to improve the street environment for walking and cycling and continue to welcome your views on possible interventions. Interventions might include:

• Making it safer to cross streets on the ‘cross town alleyway’ by creating a walking route from South Road along Cross Lane and Gatefield Lane to the Rec. These improvements would create highly visible crossing points and reduce the speed of traffic.

• Develop easier pedestrian crossing points near Stonebridge pond along the Whitstable Road and at the Mall/Forbes Road junction.

• Additional safety improvements to the existing Forbes Road zebra crossing.

We’re also aware that, while we haven’t had many comments on Commonplace about Lower Road, we know there are continued issues about speeding in the area. We welcome more feedback about concerns and possible solutions.

At some point in the future, we want to identify possible locations for a ‘Healthy Streets” experiment where motor vehicles have limited access, similar to the existing arrangement where Hatch Street meets Fielding Street or where Penshurst Rise meets The Knole.

Posted on 19th January 2021

by Adrian Berendt